Yukon First Nations’ paddler Donna Johns will be paddling with Art “Karts” Huseonica on a segment of the Yukon River this summer. Karts’ expedition, Yukon 2020™ is frequently referred to as the “Kindness Expedition.”
Donna Johns paddling Bennett Lake, near Karts’ insertion location for his put-in.
Donna is an experienced paddler, canoe racer and her Nations’ canoe leader, community activist, and catalyst for building a healing camp in the Carcross/Tagish First Nation. Karts will spend two days with Donna learning about her ancestors, culture, and challenges for First Nations People. After a visit to Carcross and the Nation’s community and cultural center, they will camp at the site of a future healing camp being designed and developed with Donna’s assitance.
The Carcross/Tagish First Nation logo
Karts is very grateful for this unique opportunity, something that hasn’t been experenced in modern history of Yukon River expeditions. Having Donna along to paddle through her Nation, Karts will have a very unique opportunity to learn about her people’s history. Donna is a member of the Killer Whale clan and is a mother and university student.
Donna Johns in the attire of her Nation